Friday, 21 February 2014

Crafting Your Ironman Minion

Here's a quick guide to help you put together your Ironman minion die cut figure, purchased from Made By Millie:

Step 1. Start off with your minion body.

Step 2. Position the Ironman Suit onto your minion body.

Step 3. When you are happy with the fit, glue in place, be careful only to glue the yellow body to the suit, avoiding the face.

Step 4. Construct the remaining suit parts by attaching the smaller shape on top of the larger shape and then sticking on the Ironman chest plate where desired.

 Step 5. Construct the goggles by positioning and sticking the silver mirri card goggles to the white eye piece.

Step 6. Position the eyes and the additional armour section to the main figure.  Note, the additional armour piece should line up nicely with the shoulders.

Step 7. When you are happy with the position, stick in place.  

Step 8. Position and attach the black pupils.

Step 9. Place a spot of glue of each hand and foot and then position and stick on the blue flares which will bring your minion Ironman to life!

Step 10. Position as desired on your cards and add a greeting of your choice (not included with the figures)

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